Friends for Health & Happiness

Pamela Buttery

Pamela Buttery (center) and her favorite people

"I asked my son when he was happiest. He said, 'When I was with friends like me.'"

And so Pamela Buttery's journey began with The Arc SF, the inspired friendship behind the popular after-hours recreation program "Friends Like Me" (FLM) that offers Arc participants like Pamela's son Alex and his peers a safe, fun space to connect with friends.

In 2012, Pamela made a major gift to The Arc SF to start Friends Like Me, which has transformed the lives of many individuals with disabilities struggling with loneliness and a lack of social opportunities. Today, hundreds of Arc participants engage in weekly game nights, movie watch parties, Dinner Club and field trips, continuing to connect friends on Zoom during the pandemic.

A tireless advocate, Pamela has chaired seven FLM galas raising over $350,000 to support the program. Recently, Pamela made a significant bequest to The Arc San Francisco in her estate plan, to help continue funding the program, along with the annual auction, for many years to come.

Pamela's legacy of action, inclusion and generosity is the hallmark of the Heart of The Arc Society members, and her bequest ensures that Arc participants have the friendships, support and experiences they deserve today and in the future.

For more information about joining the Heart of The Arc Society with a bequest in your estate plan, contact Esther Landau at (415) 918-7343 or